The Guitar Fretmeister is a simple visual practice tool. It shows information relevant to whichever key you select using the slide. It is a great learning aid for anyone who is ready to develop their guitar playing further. Whatever style you play, you will find that your Fretmeister helps you expand your use of the fretboard, and your understanding of music theory will develop without you even noticing. It's great when you are playing with other people or just noodling at home.
There are so many ways Fretmeister will help you. Here are a few:
Use it to learn which chords you can play in any key - not just I, IV, V also the minor and diminished chords. Use it to learn the notes you can play in any key. Fretmeister shows you what notes you can solo on all the way up the fretboard. Discover how to play in new keys. Eb minor? A doddle! Use it to create your own licks and riffs in any key Use it to better understand how music theory translates into practice. See where the Major and relative minor root notes are all over the fretboard, in any key. Which are the Major pentatonic scale notes and minor pentatonic blues notes Where the blue notes (b3 & b7) are for that key. Discover the 5 finger patterns and where they are played on your fretboard for the selected key It makes writing songs and developing with a band much easier
Choose a Key and see the Chords
You can use the key slide to explore which chords you want to use for your song. You might choose a key because you already know the chords (shown in the small chord windows), or because it's a pitch that suits your singing voice, or just to try something new. There are seven chords available in each key* (4 major and 3 minor) and each chord in the key is built on one of the 7 notes of the scale (a scale is a sequence of the seven notes of the key, played in order).
For example, if you select the key of A you can see that you will be choosing from the chords A, D, E, and G#dim* (Major chords) and Bm, C#m and F#m (minor chords). Each has a Roman numeral (I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi and VIIº) depending on where in the scale it is. Move the slide to select a different key and see which chords you can play in that key. Watch the Chords and Scales tutorial
See where the notes are that make up the scale of the selected Key
The Fretboard Display
It also shows which notes, root notes, blue notes and pentatonic scale notes you can play in the fretboard display. Watch the Fretboard tutorial
The Finger Patterns
These five coloured shapes will release the soloing animal that is waiting in every guitarist. Each one matches the same shapes on the Fretboard display (above). They show you where you can play the right notes for the chosen key when you're soloing.
Flip Fretmeister over and you get all that information for the minor pentatonic blues scale. It will really help you to jam and create your own blues riffs.